The Uncomfortable Truth About White Flour: Side Effects, Digestion Tips & How To Cleanse Your System

 You may know white flour as a staple of the Western diet. From bread to pasta, you’re likely consuming it on a daily basis without even thinking about it. But what many people don’t realize is that white flour has some serious side effects for our health, digestion and overall wellbeing. In this blog post, we will explore the uncomfortable truth about white flour and how it affects us on a physical and emotional level. We’ll also go over some tips and tricks to help cleanse your system if you’ve been consuming too much of it. By the end of this article, you will have not only gained insight into the health risks associated with white flour consumption but also gained tools to help manage them.

The Uncomfortable Truth About White Flour

We all know that there are parts of processed foods that are junk nutrients. One of the most common junk nutrients – and one of the most significant, causing trouble for the greatest number of people – is white flour. White flour is made from grain in which the outer kernel and endosperm and germ is removed during milling. Most of whole wheat flour’s natural nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals are lost, giving birth to refined white flour. Thus, white flour, some call it ‘empty’ or ‘nutritionally dead’ food. And making white flour whiter is a surefire way of making it even less rich in vitamins. (Regular white flour is usually bleached with chlorine gas or benzoyl peroxide.) You might also recall that chlorine gas is regularly used to disinfect contaminated water and, in higher quantities, as a weapon in warfare. It is dropped on enemy towns. True, white flour is not as nutritious as more wholesome foods, but that is not a salutary reason to keel over. Gasping for breath, you should call the paramedics, not because you’re choking on wheat products, but because your carb-fearing friend mistook you for a person having an adverse gluten reaction. Here are a few suggestions on how to minimise the effects of white flour on your health: 1. Avoid white flour whenever possible. Maybe again. - Choose whole wheat bread or tortillas instead of white bread or tortillas. • Bake at home, substituting whole wheat flour for half of the white flour listed in the recipe. – Stay away from foods made with white flour, like cookies, cakes, crackers, and chips. – and, if you do eat such white-flour foods, drink plenty of water and bring them home with other foodstuffs that are likely to cancel this fresh flood of derangement.

Side Effects of White Flour

White rice stands with white flour, the most ubiquitous ingredient in processed foods, and one of the most problematic. And although it looks blameless enough, white flour — ‘unbolted’ until there’s nothing left of the grain but the white, edible part — is cheap factory-made stuff devoid of its most wholesome bits, with calamitous digestive, blood-sugar and, yes, weight-related side effects. On top of all that, white flour generally bleached with chemicals that aren’t good for your body – and it’s so highly processed it’s hard on your system. Is there anything you can do to decrease the white flour burden your body bears, to keep the damage from setting in? Yes. Don’t eat it. Choose whole grain as often as possible. Load up on other kinds of fibre. And yes, go ahead with the detoxes. As often as you want!

Why Is It Difficult to Digest White Flour, Maida?

When it is eaten, white flour breaks down into simple sugars which, in turn, break down into glucose, which passes almost directly and in full quantity into the blood f,o where it causes a significant rise in the level of the sugar in the blood. [That] is a very bad type of food for diabetic as well as many other conditions of the blood vessels. Besides contributing very little nutritional value to the diet, white flour has a texture similar to powder and is therefore unappealing. Another aspect that makes it difficult to digest is the lack of fibre. Sure, powder might not look difficult to digest, but that’s because it isn’t. Lastly, white flour is often chock-full of bleaching agents and other chemicals that can irritate the digestive system and cause it to work less efficiently. So, if you’re sensitive to these chemicals, it is possible that you’ll feel unwell after eating foods made with white flour. Digestion Tips for White Flour We all like our daily bread, but white flour does not treat your bowel very kindly: bloating and flatulence as well as constipation are encouraged by our breads of everyday life. White flour also difficult to digest. So, are you a carb lover who doesn’t want these folks messing with your insides? Here’s what you can do: - Use whole wheat or spelt flour instead of white flour. Whole wheat and spelt are much more digestible than refined white flour and have other health benefits as well. – Soaking your flour before you need it (for instance, overnight in the fridge in a carton of kefir or in plain yoghurt) before you bake with it is another way to degrade some of the difficult-to-digest polymer gluten proteins. – Be sure you’re getting your fibre overall, so that there’s a good movement in your stomach after eating.
